
Earlier I was feeling like a straight up witch. Just mad and irritated for no apparent reason. Then I realized I was hungry as shit so I heated up some quick Michelina’s and scarfed it down. It warmed my insides and filled me up, made me feel human again. Now I have nothing to be angry at, which sucks.

I like my food to be hot. Cold food is a snack if anything. I like the steam to hit my face before I even take a bite. Steak, shrimp, lobster, mashed potatoes, crab legs, fried chicken, and pasta are my favorites. My niggaz constantly take me out to Joe’s Crab Shack & T.G.I. Friday’s because it’s close to the movie theatre. I’m just like a Sim: Once I’m satisfied in the hunger department, I’m ready to move on to the excitement department. When I’m at the theatre I order a #1 Combo with the Tub Of Popcorn and the Large Drink. They both come with free refills because DeyoncĂ© can slurp down a drink until all you hear is ice, and that’s before the movie even starts.

Moral of the story: Food affects a person’s mood in more ways than one. It can be the cure to more than just an empty stomach. It can replenish your thoughts and snap you back on track fast. Food makes all the difference. And just typing about it is making a bitch hungry again, so I’ll stop here.