People are so fickle, it kills me. Especially how they act online. You like a bitch’s status or photo and next thing you know they’re hanging on your page’s left tit on some straight creeper shit. Just goes to show how seriously motherfuckers take social media sites: It’s like they depend on whoever is checking them out or giving them props. Word of advice – not a damn thing about what you’re doing is real life, you’re living in a fantasy if you think that it’s all about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. The real bad bitches of the world don’t need validation or likes or comments because they’re already well aware. It’s time to get things movin & shakin along because posting selfies with a caption like “Keep or Delete?” only tells people you’re insecure to the fullest extent. Like… you’d probably jump off a fucking bridge if somebody was mean enough to tell you the ugly truth. Or if your shit was suddenly deactivated you’d definitely go suicidal quick. Enough is enough. Get another lifeline, whack ass bitches.