“The Freaks Come Out At Night”


I’m a night owl. Here are my answers to some random questions:

1. Where were you three hours ago? – On the balcony
2. Have you ever eaten a crayon? – I don’t think so
3. Is there anything pink within 10 ft of you? – Yes ma’am, my BeyoncĂ© Ebony Magazine is placed on the coffee table with all pink letters haha
4. Are you wearing socks right now? – Yes
5. When was the last time you went to the dentist? – Less than 6 months
6. What was the last thing you had to drink? – Water
7. Who is the last person you sent a Facebook comment? – Trina
8. Do you sleep with a teddy bear at night? – Nope
9. Do you like steak? – It’s my favorite
10. Which do you like better: jacket potatoes or roast potatoes? – I eat anythanggg
11. Where is your best friend? – Best friends are for little kids *eyes hella low*
12. Do you collect anything? – Money and resources
13. Do you like peanut butter? – Not by itself
14. What color is your computer mouse? – Don’t have one but I need to get one
15. What is your mostly used phrase? – Swerve On Em, First Of All…, Under One Condition, My new video tho
16. Where is the weirdest place you have a mole? – Well I have one under my left eye but it’s not weird to me, I kinda like it
17. Do you hover over the toilet seat in public bathrooms? – You better believe it… Either that or I just piss everywhere
18. Do you have an innie or an outtie belly button? – Innie
19. Which shoe do you put on first, the right or the left? – The right
20. When is the last time you played air guitar? – Never in my life
21. Have you ever bitten your toe-nails? – Yep, I got foot breath
22. Do you scrunch or fold your toilet paper? – Depends on how massively eruptive my shit is
23. Do you have any strange phobias? – I’m the one to be afraid of
24. Have you ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? – I don’t remember any of my childhood anymore
25. When was the last time you sneezed? – Last night, and it was very orgasmic. The build-up to the sneeze was like a scene from a movie. The cinematography was elegant and I remember thinking that it was a precious movie moment. A touch of dust from the grand piano swept around my senses and triggered a hallucinogenic sneeze.

Anyways, back to reality.
