“Nigga you goin in the Burn Book”


I made plans to hook up with this dude but first of all he showed up at the crib too early for me. Banging on the door with his dick, it sounded like. Loud, rowdy, huffy & bout it; while I was still in bed no less. Some fucking nerve. I almost didn’t even answer but finally I let him in. We didn’t too much for very long because my peak hours are at night, not when the sun is shining in my eyes. That’s for bitches trying to make love.


He seemed like a cool dude so I chilled out with him for awhile. We picked up some pot in the hood and I rolled us some blunts. Talked about a variety of topics until I got bored with it all… Then he took it upon himself to hop on the piano and start playing music. It was pretty good but it wasn’t no Beethoven, and it seemed like my day started to severely lag while he was around. He became a fucking burden in less than an hour. I looked at the clock on the wall and decided it was time for this buster to vanish. He acted shellshocked and shit but I handed him his phone and his sunglasses and gave him the boot.

When things swerve to the left in these type of situations the best advice is to cut that nigga off right then and there. Every second could end up driving a bitch insane so do yourself a favor and spare no time. I wouldn’t say it was a nightmare but it sure wasn’t an experience I’d like to relive. Somehow I always end up hurtin someone’s feelings… What can I say? I’ve been on and off the dick but better known for breakin hearts!