“I Don’t Mean Disrespect”


I have some choice words for you and bitch is at the tail-end of every one of them.   Ain’t nobody hard or original these days, hell, I’m one of the few visionaries left.

I’m thinking I can own this world because there isn’t a price on it.  So it’s my world and you hoes are just living in it.

Teaching yourself a new trick or skill is best thing in the book if you ask me.  Not the Burn Book.  Nah… You don’t wanna go in there.

I’m drilling this shit off the top of my dome and pointing it at yours.  I don’t mean disrespect but I’m a motherfucking grim reaper in the flesh.

My trigger finger has been slap-happy lately.  Your mother could be the next one to get tossed in the fires of the Burn Book at this point.