
I don’t have time for certain things anymore… And television is one of them. I used to have a lineup of shows that I would watch on certain nights: Real Housewives, Mob Wives, anything with Wives at the end basically. When these shows would come on I would get so excited & I usually anticipated the next week’s show for that whole entire week. But then I gained more interest in my work and working on myself. It wasn’t until weeks later that I realized I stopped watching television completely. I have other sources of entertainment that inspire me in a productive way. Music is the main one.

People don’t know how potentially harmful television can be to a healthy lifestyle. Sure, watching a program or two a day never hurt anyone, but TV time is more than often abused. Watching sports everyday is backwards thinking to me. It’s a lazy 3 hour+ squat on the couch, influenced by commercials full of food and beer. I would much rather be outside playing the sport then sitting inside watching it.

Television drastically cuts down productivity time and thought. The more & more you rely on your favorite shows, the less time your mind actively works. You could be planning for the future, exercising, cleaning, thinking in general… When you give TV all of your mental control, it leaves you with nothing in return.

I’m pretty sure the only time I’ll be watching television is for the occasional news update or if I’m starring in one myself.

*** UPDATE: I ended up catching the last hour and a half of the BET Awards just to see BeyoncĂ© perform… and what do you know? It was a trick. Just like all of television.